Inspiration Vercors
Carte de situation du territoire de Trièves Vercors, en Isère

Mens, historical capital of the Trièves

Mens en Trièves est une bourgade située au pied de la montagne du Châtel (nommé aussi Bonnet de Calvin). Elle vous accueille entre tradition et modernité : le centre historique et ses ruelles pavées voient fleurir aujourd’hui de nombreux festivals, les arts de rue côtoient ceux,...

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The Trièves Museum

The Trièves Museum is nestled in small streets in the heart of the historic village of Mens. A real country museum, formerly a soldiers garrison, which traces the history of men but also of the territories that make up the Trièves landscape. Les collections du Musée du...

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The Mont Aiguille and the Vercors

Whether you admire it as you pass by, whether you contemplate it from a  distance or look up at the foot of its imposing mass, you cannot ignore Mont Aiguille! Learn about the history of this limestone monument, a pinnacle of stone that detached from the Vercors mountain range, and a...

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Lake Monteynard-Avignonet

Lake Monteynard-Avignonet lies between the two territories, the Trièves and Matheysine. Located 25 km from Grenoble, this artificial water reservoir with its imposing dam is an oasis for surfing and sailing activities (kitesurfing, windsurfing, wingfoil, sailing dinghies...). Its...

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Terre vivante

Terre Vivante, in the heart of the Trièves, has been campaigning for more than 40 years for the practice of  daily ecology. This  is a unique place where wilderness and cultivated areas are combined in a 50-hectare forest estate at an altitude of 750 m. Terre...

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The Obiou and the Dévoluy

The Obiou, or La Grande Tête de l'Obiou, at 2789 metres altitude, is the highest point of the Dévoluy mountain range. With the Grand Ferrand (2758 metres), they form a chain dominating the Trièves plateau, facing the Vercors. Located at the north end of the range, the Grand...

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Jean Giono in the Trièves

Giono, bard of the Trièves Jean Giono fell under the spell of the magical landscapes of the Trièves, where he regularly went on holiday and where he drew inspiration for many of his writings. Take a leap into the past and discover the marvellous story behind this renowned writer in...

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Gresse en Vercors village is set amidst splendid landscapes, at the foot of the Grand-Veymont with a beautiful view of Mont Aiguille, the famous summit of the Vercors mountain ranges. A family ski station in Isère in the Trièves, Gresse-en-Vercors is also the highest village in the...

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The Himalayan footbridges

les passerelles : Une randonnée insolite La randonnée des passerelles himalayennes du lac de Monteynard-Avignonet est une expérience insolite ! En parcourant cette jolie boucle autour du lac de Monteynard-Avignonet et ses eaux turquoise, vous découvrirez les deux passerelles...

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Spectacle d'humour - La petite boucherie du bonheur - Théâtre Le Poulailler

Satire sociale déjantée où se croisent dans une galerie comique, 16 personnages.

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Summertime in the Trièves